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Financial Profit

Trading of Cryptocurrency CFDs vs. Traditional investment

Trading of Cryptocurrency CFDs vs. Traditional investment Cryptocurrencies are the next step in financial evolution. As the first decentralized digital currency based on a system that operates without a single central bank or administrator, BTC represents an advance in both financial trading and asset allocation. Online currency trading has just improved ... but will it replace traditional investment? Bitcoin vs. Investment in gold People like gold It is a safe asset. That's why most investments are made in this precious metal. But the first days of the gold rush are over; gold and bullion buyers should not treat it as a plan to get rich quickly. Even so, it is still a good long-term investment. There is evidence of ancient gold mines and mining operations dating back to 200,000 years before Christ. Civilizations began to trade gold around 600 BC, and even today it is used by traders and investors with great enthusiasm. It is also certain that gold will never lose its intri...